Prospecting emails are massively effective when done well. But unfortunately most never even get through in the first place. Your prospects are incredibly busy. Just imagine being a prospect receiving an email from someone like you. They’re doing a lot of things. They’re checking their email, they’re on the phone, and they see an email. If for any reason it seems salesy, or nonspecific, they’re immediately going to do what deleted. In this chapter, I’m going to teach you the four biggest prospecting email mistakes that most salespeople make, and most importantly, how to avoid them. Check it out. 

Mistake number one, long emails, your prospects simply do not have the bandwidth to read a long email from someone that they do not know. The key to an effective prospecting email is to keep it under five sentences. Your goal is not to add educate your prospects it is not to tell them everything about your product or service. It is simply to elicit a response, no need to educate, just keep it simple. Keep it short.

Mistake number two, impersonal emails, the second your prospect sees your email. And for any reason feels like it was part of some kind of a blast that went out to hundreds or thousands of people, it will immediately get deleted. What we want to do is write emails that are very personalized. You want to use things like a first name, show that you know who they are, and who their company is, really personalize that email, make it impactful and make it something that the recipient feels like you’ve done your homework.

Mistake number three, using formal language. Prospects will immediately delete an email that seems overly formal. I see salespeople doing this all the time, they’re writing an email, and they want to sound intelligent and impressive and instead they sound stiff and formal. Prospects will immediately delete your email if they don’t think that you’re just a real person. Think of it this way, write to them as if you were simply talking to them, and be normal, just right, as you speak. Mistake number four, not using a hook. Think about what is the goal of sending an email, there should only be one goal. And that goal is simply to elicit that response it is to engage your prospect. You know, often we don’t do that, where we’re not focused on that. Instead, we’re thinking about how can I just send this person some information? What we want to do is end every email with some type of an engaging question. What we want to avoid is a sentence that ends an email like, let me know if I can ever be helpful. Or please let me know if this makes any sense for you. Well, we want to do really end with a question something along the lines of Does this make sense in your world? Or tell me where I should send the book or whatever the purpose of the email is, end with a question that can be answered very simply and easily.