You’ve gone through the entire discovery process, and you’ve done everything right. You dug deeply into their challenges, you understood exactly what they needed. And then you go through your presentation, only to get the kiss of death at the end, which sounds something like, I really need to think this over. Can you call me back in a week or so? What did you do wrong? Or more importantly, what didn’t you do right? In this chapter, I’m going to show you five killer sales presentation techniques to close the sale. Check it out.

Number one, keep your prison ASAP. Now, by ASAP, you may be a little confused, it means as short as possible. Let me say that again, keep your presentation as short as possible. Now, most salespeople get excited about what they’re presenting. And they go on way too long. But you know what prospects only care about what they care about. So keep your presentation short and concise, only present what you need to present. Nothing more. 

Number two, case study presentation. Remember story time as a kid and how great it was. Remember reading a high school textbook and how boring it was. Of those two experiences. One was a wonderful, fun and engaging experience. The other was boring and dense. Most presentations are like reading a textbook. They’re full of features and benefits, and no story that connects everything together. So moving forward, be sure that your presentation tells a story. Be sure to fill it with examples of what you did with other similar clients and the results that those efforts achieved. This is going to pay to picture for your prospects, you’re going to find that by using a case study presentation, prospects will immediately connect more with what you’re presenting. 

Number three, only present solutions to their challenges. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been presenting to a prospect who was really actually excited about your solution, and then you kept on selling, you can actually see their interest visibly start to die. What happened is that you oversold, you had them. But then you wanted to share that last feature or that last benefit that they really weren’t interested in and it took the conversation for a hard turn in the wrong direction. Prospects only care about solutions to their challenges, nothing else. Moving forward only present how your solution solves the challenges that you’ve already discovered. Nothing else, end it there.

Number four, get feedback throughout. Most presentations are really just a one-way monologue with the sales people telling the prospect what he or she is going to get with their offering. But the thing is, is that prospects get bored. And quite honestly, the salesperson in that monologue approach doesn’t even know if they’re actually on the right track. So moving forward, throughout your presentation, constantly end sentences with little questions like does that make sense? Or can you see how this would work for you? Or finally, does this work for you? By ending the key points in your presentation with those little engaging questions, you’re going to create moments that not only engage the product aspect but also ensure that they’re on the same page with you. I mean, does that make sense?  Number five, stop at any interruption. Let’s face it, most of us start to get really excited to talk during presentation time. But the thing is, is that we don’t matter. The salesperson doesn’t matter in a selling situation. All that matters in a selling situation is what the prospect is thinking. So anytime the prospect interrupts you immediately stop, don’t stay on your role and keep going stop. Let them ask their question or share their concern an interruption can be a question or it could just be and you notice their face changing immediately stop and say, was there something that you wanted to ask? Even if they simply move their head stop, we want to know what they’re thinking. It’s so much more important than what we are about to say.